Saturday, May 2, 2009

Things 10, 11 and 12

I had every intention of playing around with a number of online image generators - via Mashable ("The Social Media Guide", and the only techie blog I'm currently reading) I found a list of hundreds. But you know, I'm perfectly happy with BigHugeLabs and really, I do have this job I'm supposed to be working at once in a while. Thing 10, check!

I had an account on LibraryThing for a bit - after hearing from libraries using Library Thing for Libraries, I played around with it to see if that was something we might use at SPL. Our recent catalog upgrades (covers, reviews, encore) have pretty much abrogated the need, but it's still an interesting solution. Of course, if I'm honest, the main reason I don't mess with LT is because I'm embarassed at how little print I actually read these days. It's the parenting, it kind of cuts in to my free time. Want to know what I'm reading (or more properly, skimming)? Check out this month's Parenting Book Bulletin. Thing 11, check!

And on to Rollyo. Rollyo has everything I need in a 2.0 technology - it's reasonably useful, and it has a cute name. Since I'm pretty far removed from proper reference these days, I was hard pressed to come up with a work-related subject needing a custom search engine. I can imagine a number of engines that would be useful in my personal life, particularly from my past life as a knitter and crocheter - patterns are spread all over the web, and it can be a pain to dig through them all to find that Dr. Who scarf you remember you saw last month. Because I'm currently planning a birthday party for a three-year-old, I went ahead and created a search engine for kids craft activities. Drumroll, please, for thing 12!

Rollyo does suffer from the weaknesses of the search function of the sites you select - that is, it's all straight keyword, and there's no good way to refine results. No worse than any other straight keyword, but no better either.

Web 2.0 - not a bad way to spend my rainy afternoon...

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