Sunday, June 28, 2009

More on YouTube

I actually do quite a lot with YouTube. We don't have cable, and Stella is sometimes jonesing for screen time when there's nothing available on plain old broadcast TV (or the wind is blowing, which screws up our reception). So we hit YouTube.

Pixar's "For the Birds" is a sure winner:

The advent of branded YouTube Channels has been great for us too. Sesame Street has a channel, for example. Aardman (of Creature Comforts and Wallace and Gromit) has a channel, but it's only viewable in the UK.

Various offices and departments in the US Government are creating channels on YouTube, which is exciting to me from a Government 2.o-wonkish perspective. The US Government has an official channel, with links to various department channels. My personal favorites include the Library of Congress (archival footage made public, swoon), and NASA. What the FDIC channel has to offer, I'll leave it to you to discover, but it does involve Suze Ormond, apparently.

But back to preschoolers and their screen needs - I'll close with a video clip I which every public library would embed in their children's department web-pages, in which the most powerful man in the country stops and reads kids (his and others) a book:


Natalie Beaver said...

Nice YouTube posts, both cute. I am enjoying YouTube more and more and realizing that you can find just about anything there!

Chris D said...

I love this!